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The objective of orthodontic treatment is to achieve a functionally good and aesthetically pleasing bite pattern. There are many different kinds of orthodontic treatments, and the appliances used are always chosen based on the individual needs of the patient.

There are two types of fixed orthodontic appliances: ones that are affixed to the outer sides of the teeth and nearly invisible ones that are affixed to the inner sides of the teeth. Orthodontic appliances affixed to the inner sides of the teeth are more aesthetically pleasing, but even ones affixed to the outer sides can be made discreet by choosing a teeth-coloured or clear appliance.


The ideal time for starting orthodontic treatment always depends on the type of misalignment, or malocclusion. Some malocclusions, such as crossbite or early underdevelopment of the upper jaw, can be corrected with orthodontic treatment even before school age. Orthodontic treatment can also help with pronunciation problems and mouth breathing. As such, occlusion and jaw growth should first be examined as early as at the age of six or seven. As part of this examination, a dentist can also determine the permanent teeth eruption timetable of the child.

Making a reliable diagnosis before the eruption of permanent teeth can be difficult, as permanent teeth can introduce new malocclusions. Because of this, orthodontic treatment is usually carried out between the ages of 10 and 16, which is when it is the fastest and most efficient. The most common malocclusions at this age are dental crowding and underdevelopment of the lower jaw.

Malocclusions in children and adolescents can also be treated using detachable orthodontic appliances, which are used to direct jaw and dental arch growth.


Age is not an obstacle to orthodontic treatment, and nowadays the orthodontic treatment of adults is much more common than it used to be. For many adults, orthodontic treatment is a solution to an aesthetic problem, but these problems are often the result of malocclusions that were not treated as a child or have gotten worse over the years.

In adults, orthodontic treatment is usually carried out using fixed orthodontic appliances. There are many different models of fixed orthodontic appliances, with the best and most effective option depending on the individual needs of the patient. Cases of minor dental misalignment in adults can also be treated with clear Invisalign aligners.


In traditional orthodontic treatment, metal braces are attached to the surface of the teeth. Sometimes metal braces are considered to be too visible and difficult to keep clean. Clear aligners are an easy and inconspicuous way to straighten your teeth. As an orthodontic method, clear aligners are particularly suitable for correcting minor misalignments in adults.


The orthodontic treatment is carried out by a dentist well-versed in this method, who designs a transparent and inconspicuous aligner that is placed over the teeth. The patient’s teeth are digitally scanned, and an individual treatment plan is then drawn up based on the scan. The desired outcome is achieved by following the steps of this plan.

During the orthodontic treatment, the clear aligners must be worn continuously. In practice, the clear aligners are removed only for the duration of meals and for cleaning. The treatment usually lasts for 4–18 months, depending on the starting point and the desired outcome.


The right orthodontic treatment method and its duration and cost always depend on the individual person. The choice of orthodontic treatment method is based on factors such as the client’s age and occlusal development, and the duration of the treatment depends on the severity and extent of the malocclusion. The active treatment phase often takes 1–2 years and is followed by a retention phase, the purpose of which is to ensure that the teeth do not move back out of alignment.

Orthodontic treatment starts with a consultation with an orthodontist, a dentist specialising in orthodontics, who assesses the need for treatment and its duration. In connection with the consultation, you will also receive a cost estimate of your treatment. The cost of the treatment depends on the severity of the malocclusion and the choice of treatment method.


In some cases, orthodontic treatment can also require the expertise of other dental specialists. Sometimes fixing malocclusion may require surgical adjustment of the jaw, for example. In such cases, the orthodontic treatment is planned and carried out in cooperation with a dentist specialising in oral and jaw surgery.

During orthodontic treatment, it is more important than ever to practice good oral hygiene, which is why regular dental hygienist and dentist appointments are an absolute must.

Orthodontic treatment may also be required in connection with other types of dental treatment. For example, replacing missing or lost teeth sometimes requires orthodontic treatment before prosthetic treatment to fix the alignment or position of teeth so as to ensure that prosthetic treatment can be carried out as effectively as possible. In such cases, the treatment is planned in collaboration with a dentist specialising in prosthetics.

At Hohde, you will receive all the services that you need during your orthodontic treatment, as our clinics employ a comprehensive range of dental experts specialising in different fields, from oral and jaw surgeons to parodonthologists.

Make an appointment for an orthodontic consultation via OmaHohde or by calling your nearest Hohde clinic.

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